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Nsfas Funding Decisions 2023-2024 Now Being Released



Nsfas Funding Decisions 2023-2024 Now Being Released

Nsfas Funding Decisions are the outcome of the National Student Funding Aid Scheme for an Academic Year. Each year the Department of Higher Education announces these decisions to declare whether the applicants have been funded or their aid has been declined. Bursary Students who have applied for this Scheme check their NSFAS funding list results to know their NSFAS status.

As per reports, the Program received more than 1 million applications for the Academic year 2024. Now the Department of Higher Education has announced the date for Nsfas Funding Decisions. As per the announcement, Nsfas Fudning’s decision will be released on 6th February 2024.

NSFAS Releases Funding List For Returning Students

Applicants can log in to their MyNsfas on the declared date of the Nsfas funding decision and can check their application status. Any change in the date of the Funding Decision will be advertised by the authorities in local papers or a Digital Media Release.

The Student who applied for funding in the Academic year 2024 will check their status via the online website, SMS, or email notifications once the decisions are released by the management.

The Students who receive a declined status for NSFAS funding can submit their financial eligibility verification after lodging a formal appeal. 

How To Check Nsfas Funding Decion?

The Applicants who have applied for the Nsafs Program can check their funding status by following these Simple steps:

  1. Login to your Nsfas Account by providing the username and Password on the official website of the Nsfas Program.
  2. Once Logged in to your myNsfas account, scroll down to the Application status.
  3. Put in your Application Tracking ID and Click on Check.
  4. This will provide your Nsfas Funding Decision.

Successful funding Decision

A successful funding Decision means that the application has been successfully accepted and the applicant is eligible for the program. The Student with a successful NSFAS funding decision will be required to register with a public university or a TVET College.

If you have been granted a successful NSFAS funding decision, you may be required to communicate with the authorities via SMS, email, or a phone call.

This is important to take notice that students with a successful application status can only register for qualification which is funded by the NSFAS. If a student is admitted to a program that is not funded by the NSFAS, His application status may change to declined and he may not get Government funding for his Higher Education.

To avoid such circumstances, the students with a successful funding status are advised to only register in the Nsfas funded Education Programs.

Unsuccessful or Declined Nsafs Funding Decision

An unsuccessful or Declined Nsafs Funding Decision means that the applicant is not eligible for the Nsafs Program. Students with such decisions can appeal against the decision by providing their Financial Eligibility verification documents.

NSFAS authorities may award a declined funding status to applications if they do not meet the Financial Eligibility Requirements. For instance, Your annual house income must not be more than R 300,000, Or in case of a Disability must not cross the R 600,000 income mark.

However, the Final Decision of an unsuccessful or Declined application may be subject to the availability of funds. Only those appeals will be considered by the authorities who have applied for financial aid from the Government.

Awaiting for Eligibility Assessment

“Awaiting for Eligibility Assessment” Nsfas funding decision means that the applicant’s Financial eligibility is getting assessed by the management. Such students will be required to await their final decisions.

After announcing the Nsfas funding decision, the Department of Higher Education will start releasing funds to the Public universities and TVET Colleges. Therefore, the Students with a successful bursary application status are required to get admission to an authorized university or TVET college once they have received the notifications.

Who cannot appeal against the Funding Decision?

The Applicants cannot lodge a formal appeal against the decision if they do not meet the following requirements:

  1. They have registered for a qualification that is not funded by the NSFAS.
  2. They have reached N+2 Status (N+3 in case of disability).
  3. You are a gap year student and previously applied for the NSFAS program and did not meet Financial Eligibility Requirements.
  4. The institution of registration has submitted an incomplete record or has submitted no record at all.

Nsfas Authorities always have the authority to accept or reject an application due to the unavailability of funds.


The National Student Funding Aid Scheme is a student funding Program for South African Citizens with Poor Financial conditions. Each Year the Department of Higher Education receives Hundred of Thousands of applications for this Program. After the evaluation of the application, Nsfas funding Decisions are announced by the Authorities.

The NSFAS funding decisions determine the outcomes of the application and whether an applicant will get Government funding for his higher education or not.

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What Does The NSFAS Provisionally Funded Meaning




NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme)

The NSFAS is a South African government program that provides financial aid to students who finished high school and need help paying for college.

NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme) Funding

Provisionally Funded means the student is approved for funding, but NSFAS is waiting for the registration details from the student’s college or university after they’ve enrolled for the academic year.

NSFAS mentioned that when your university or TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training College sends NSFAS your registration details, we’ll make the payment. Please go ahead and enroll in a course funded by NSFAS at a public institution.

So, if a student sees this message, it’s good news! It means they’re eligible for funding. Even though NSFAS helps lots of students and plans to help more, not everyone will get funding. It’s not guaranteed that every student who applies will receive NSFAS funding.


Requirements for NSFAS Funding:

To be eligible for the NSFAS Bursary, students must meet specific Requirements:

1.      South African Citizenship: The applicant should be a citizen of South Africa.

2.      Household Income: For most applicants, the combined household income should be under R350 000 (350 000 Rand) per year. However, for individuals with disabilities, must show that their household income is under R600 000 (600 000 Rand).

3.      Sassa Grant Recipient: Being a recipient of a Sassa grant can also qualify someone.

4.      First-time Registration: The applicant should plan to enroll for the first time in an undergraduate program at a recognized public university or TVET college.

5.      Previous University Registration: If the applicant previously registered at a university before 2018, their household income should not exceed R122 000 (122 000 Rand) per year.

Funding Eligibility Criteria:

To get possible funding from NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme), you need to fit these criteria:


Be a South African citizen or permanent resident.

Enroll or plan to enroll at a public university or Technical Vocational and Educational Training (TVET) college.

Come from a family with a total yearly income below a certain limit.

Meet the academic standards set by the school you’re applying to.

Apply for financial help at the right time.

Following these rules boosts your chances of getting possible NSFAS funding.

 Benefits of NSFAS Provisional Funding:

NSFAS Provisional Funding gives students these advantages:

Tuition Payment: NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme) pays your tuition fees directly to your school, so you don’t worry about paying them yourself. This helps you focus on studying.

Allowances: You might get extra money for things like housing, books, food, and transport. These help cover your daily expenses while you study.

Repayment: You only start paying back the money after you finish studying and find a job. The amount you repay depends on how much you earn, making it manageable.

 How to Check NSFAS Provisional Funding Status:

After you apply for NSFAS, you can check if you’re provisionally funded by:

Using the NSFAS online portal or calling their center.

Provide your ID number or student number to see your funding status.

Keep checking because your status might change during the verification process. Checking regularly helps you stay updated. Top of Form

Some Tips for Successful NSFAS Provisional Funding:

Certainly! Here are those tips in simpler terms:

  • Apply before the deadline and give the correct info on your application.
  • Send all the needed documents quickly and accurately.
  • Check your funding status often and answer any extra questions quickly.
  • Follow your school’s rules for doing well in your studies.
  • Please keep your contact details updated with NSFAS so you get their messages on time.

NSFAS provisional funding Importance:

NSFAS provisional funding is super important because it helps South African students who need money for their education. The main goal is to support students facing financial struggles while they study. This funding opens up chances for students, helps them succeed in their studies, and lets them reach their educational dreams.

Maintaining NSFAS Provisional Funding:

Sure, here are the key points for keeping your NSFAS provisional funding:

Doing Well Academically: Meet your school’s academic requirements and pass your courses. Falling behind might risk your funding.

Registering for Courses: Sign up for all your courses on time and follow your program’s plan. Changes to your courses might affect your funding.

Reporting Changes: Tell NSFAS quickly about any changes in your life or money situation. This includes income changes, contact details, or your family situation.

Following Policies: Know NSFAS rules and stick to them while you study. This means keeping up your grades and following the funding agreement’s rules.


What are the requirements for applying for NSFAS provisional funding if I am not a South African citizen or permanent resident?

NSFAS provisional funding is only for South African citizens or permanent residents.

Do I need to apply each semester or trimester if I am currently approved?

No, if you are currently funded by NSFAS, you are not required to reapply for that.

What support is required when I apply?

All applicants are required to submit a certified copy of their ID, not older than 3 months A signed and completed consent form. If you are dependent on your parents/guardian/spouse, please provide Certified ID copies of parent/s, guardian, spouse not older than 3 months and Proof of income of parent, guardian or spouse (payslip or appointment letter If you are self-sufficient (no parent/guardian support) please provide: Proof of income (payslip or appointment letter).

If you have a disability, please provide a completed and signed Annexure A (if your information is not pre-populated on the portal). If you are an orphan, please provide the completed and signed Declaration Form, Other documents required, if applicable: Retrenchment letter / UIF documentation; Death certificate/s; Divorce decree

Is it possible to receive NSFAS provisional funding for postgraduate studies?

A student’s undergraduate and postgraduate studies can be funded by NSFAS if they meet eligibility requirements.

Is it possible to study at a private institution using NSFAS provisional funding?

NSFAS provisional funding is only available to public universities and TVET colleges.


In summary, NSFAS provisional funding is really important for South Africa’s student aid program. It helps eligible students financially, but it’s key to know what it involves, who can get it, how it’s checked, and what you need to do. Keeping track of your funding status and using the tips for successful funding helps you make the most of this chance.

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How to Upload Documents on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)




What is NSFAS?

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a program run by the government to help students with their finances for higher education. It provides money for students in the form of bursaries (which don’t need to be paid back) and loans (which need to be paid back). The funding for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) comes from the Department of Higher Education and Training. Its goal is to support students who might not otherwise afford to go to college or university by providing financial assistance.

How to apply at NSFAS:

It is very easy to apply for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). Because they provide the easiest way to upload your documents and apply. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to upload documents for NSFAS:

  • Go to and log in using your details (username and password).
  • Look for the option labeled ‘upload outstanding supporting documents.’
  • Click on the tab that says ‘Submit Documents.’
  • After completing these steps, you’ll receive a notification confirming that your outstanding application documents have been successfully uploaded.

If you encounter issues with uploading due to unclear documents or difficulties taking photos with your cellphone, seek assistance. Visit a nearby NSFAS or NYDA office, and they’ll help you out. If these offices aren’t accessible, reach out to the fees office at your college or university where you applied for further assistance.

Create a profile:

When you log in, you’ll find a chance to get your unpaid receipts. After you’ve collected these documents, just head to the “Submit Documents” section and upload them. Remember, if you haven’t signed up yet, you won’t receive any money or be able to upload documents.

Upload Documents:

For NSFAS applications, it’s crucial to upload receipts to get approval for funding. The scholarship might hold back payments until all the necessary documents are submitted and approved. If you can’t upload documents online, send them via email to [email protected].

Use your ID number as a reference. Ensure all documents match the info you provided during registration (like your name, age, and date of birth). Go to, log in using your contact info, and look for the option to download pending receipts. Once you have them, complete the process and go to the “Submit Documents” tab.

Pending Application Status:

Once you’ve uploaded all your documents and finished the process, you’ll get a notification saying “Pending application documents have been successfully uploaded.” To check this, visit and log in using the username and password you provided during registration.

NSFAS funding covers your university or college fees, accommodation, textbooks, and living expenses. But to get this funding, NSFAS needs your receipts to make decisions. Their employees have rules to follow, so they can’t give out money until all the required documents are submitted and approved.

To ensure you receive the NSFAS money you’re eligible for, make sure you submit all the necessary documents. These typically include recent documents with a stamp less than 3 months old. You can submit these documents online through the MyNSFAS portal.

If there’s an issue after uploading documents, it’s often because the photos of the documents aren’t clear. It’s important to ensure your uploaded documents are easy to read and understand.

Upload Picture:

If snapping photos with your phone is tricky, and since NSFAS offices might be closed due to the lockdown, head to an NYDA (National Youth Development Agency) office instead. If there isn’t one nearby, try the expense office at your college or university for assistance. Remember, you and your parents need to show identification documents. You’ll also need proof of your parents’ or guardians’ income, demonstrating that your household makes less than R300,000 (300,000 Rand) per year.

Uploading your NSFAS receipts is crucial. Without them, your application can’t get approved, and you won’t receive any funds. These receipts go directly onto the NSFAS website, so you’ll need an internet connection. It’s best to do this on a laptop, but a tablet or even a mobile phone with internet access could work too.

My NSFAS Account:

Applicants should sign in to their myNSFAS accounts to check if they’ve submitted all the required documents. To complete your National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NASAF) application, you’ll need to upload specific documents.

The NSFAS Approval Board pays close attention when approving funding accounts. So, it’s crucial to make sure that all the documents you upload are clear and easy to read. Blurry or marked documents might cause issues.

Remember, all National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NASAF) receipts go directly onto their website, so you’ll need an internet connection. It’s best to do this on a laptop, but a tablet or even a mobile phone with internet access could work too. Just head to and sign in to get started.

Registration Completed:

You log in with the username and password you provided when you registered for the program. Please note that if you have not yet registered, you cannot expect money and cannot upload documents.

As soon as you log in, you will have the option to download your outstanding receipts. Once you have uploaded the documents, all you have to do is click on the “Submit Documents” tab. Once you have uploaded all the documents and the process is complete, you will receive a notification with the inscription “Pending application documents that have been successfully uploaded”.

Benefits for NSFAS-funded students:

  • A one-time book allowance for textbooks and other learning materials.
  • Meal allowance.
  • Travel allowance for students who live at home.
  • Accommodation allowance.

Requirements to be funded by NSFAS:

  • Must be a South African citizen.
  • Must be accepted or applying to a Public South African University.
  • Immediate acceptance for SASSA grant beneficiaries.
  • Household income must be below R350,000 (350,000 Rand) per year.
  • Individuals with disabilities should have a household income below R600,000 (600,000 Rand) per year to qualify for NSFAS funding.
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The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a government-affiliated program that provides financial aid to those students who are undergraduates and can’t fulfill their educational financial needs. NSFAS provides tuition fees and other educational expenses in their higher education. This is a subsidy of the government Department of Higher Education.

When the new academic year starts, students are encouraged to receive funds from NSFAS to complete their Higher education or degree. A large number of NSFAS allowances are allocated by the Unisa (University of South Africa).

Also Read:

National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) provides funds to needy students in numbers of thousands; therefore, students can face delays in the allocation of funds to students. This delay is thankfully minimized by the University of South Africa (Unisa), and a total of 90,070 Students have been reimbursed by NSFAS. As allowances start, the University of South Africa (Unisa) announced two weeks ago. For example, if the allocation date is 22nd March 2023 then Unisa will announce 15th March 2023.

Unisa allowances include learning material and incidental allowances to returning students. Students have to register temporarily again if the degree is not yet completed. NSFAS fund confirmation for 2023 is important for awaiting students for funds. If returning students receive funds in 2023 but funds are denied after the end of 2023 and starting in 2024, then students must have to pay a minimum registration fee to remain enrolled.

It is also necessary for students to register temporarily with Unisa for this first-time NSFAS funds.

Unisa NSFAS Allowances 2023 for Students:

Personal care Allowance:

NSFAS grants an allowance of R2 900 (2 900 Rand) as a personal care allowance.

Transport Allowance:

NSFAS provides a transport allowance of R3 750 (3 750 Rand) if the student lives 40km away from the institution.

Accommodation Allowance:

NSFAS provides accommodation allowance to the students who live 40km away from the college, while from urban areas, students get R15 750 (15 750 Rand)per year, and from rural areas get R18 900 (18 900 Rand) per year. Students in the institute’s urban area get an allowance of R25 200 (25 200 Rand).

NSFAS Registration

Students can apply on the NSFAS official website as fresh candidates, after approval of the application; you have to pay a minimum registration fee.

Bursary Conditions

  • In the previous year, the student must have a percentage of 75%.
  • Only South African Students studying in any institute of the University of South Africa (Unisa) can apply.
  • The bursary will cover only the expenses of textbooks and tuition fees.

Documents Required for Unisa NSFAS Allowance:

  1. Copy of ID
  2. Household income proof
  3. Copy of parent’s ID
  4. Academic qualification record

Unisa Contact Information:

  • Preller street, Muckleneuk Ridge, Pretoria
  • Sunnyside Campus
  • Cnr Justice Mahomed & Steve Biko Streets, Sunnyside, Pretoria
  • 0800 005 311
  • Email: [email protected]

Reasons to Reject NSFAS Application:

  • Application is deceased
  • Late Application
  • DHA error means NSFAS is sometimes not located by the Department of Home Affairs database (DHA).
  • If supporting documents are missing
  • Ineligible for NSFAS Funding
  • If household income exceeds R350 000 (350 000 Rand) per year
  • Applicants with disabilities having higher income
  • Change of academic career
  • Insufficient academic requirements
  • Postgraduate or higher education
  • N+ Rule breakout


Does NSFAS pay for the second semester?

NFSAF provides financial aid to the students for the whole duration of their academic period so, students do not need to apply for every semester.

Will NSFAS for Unisa pay for any educational course?

NSFAS will not pay for any short-term or part-time courses at Unisa and also not pay for post-graduate courses.

How do students know if their registration has been finalized or not?

Students will receive an SMS on their registered profile at NSFAS about the finalization of the application or registration. Also on the official website, it will update in the profile notification as “registration received”.

Does NSFAS cover the Supplementary exam fees?

No, NSFAS will not cover any supplementary exam fee or remark fee.

How are NSFAS allowances paid?

NSFAS Allowances are paid by the service provider Coinvest.

If Allowances are wrong then what should be done?

To incorrect allowances then students should contact Coinvest on call: 011 507 5555/ 0800 014 551

Email at [email protected] or support at [email protected]

What if the application is rejected?

If your application is rejected then you can appeal again through the Mynsfas portal by clicking on the tab “submit an appeal”. NSFAS will notify you about the approved or not approved appeal by mentioning the reason.

Will NSFAS pay financial aid for the 2nd qualification?

No, NSFAS will only pay financial aid for the first qualification, not for the second qualification or postgraduate qualification.

Which department is responsible for handling the NSFAS funding?

The Directorate of Student Funding handles the NSFAS funding and all enquiries or queries addressed to [email protected]

Who qualifies for the Unisa Bursary?

Students who qualify the 75% average percentage in the previous year are eligible for a Unisa bursary.

How much does NSFAS pay TVET per month and year?

NSFAS is paying R859 (859 Rand) every month and R34 250 (34 250 Rand) to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

What is the difference between NSFAS and Unisa?

National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a program of funding to needy students to complete their higher studies on the other hand Unisa is the University of South Africa and students with Unisa are granted funds by NSFAS Status.

If I fail, Does NSFAS provide funds?

Yes, NSFAS continuously provides funding for students’ whole study period.


Many students cannot afford their financial activities and complete their continuing higher studies due to financial lack, University of South Africa (Unisa) as NSFAS is a great source of financial aid for those students. Unisa provides students with personal care allowances, transport allowances, accommodation allowances, tuition fee, and study materials as well. To get financial aid students just need to fulfill the requirements, guidelines, and eligibility criteria, because it is not a guaranteed process. However, if the students do not follow the eligibility criteria then NSFAS Unisa has a right to cancel all Financial Aid. Students at Unisa can only enjoy financial aid after following all majors and requirements.

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NSFAS Application Date 2024 Officially Announced




The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS):

The NSFAS is a South African government program that provides funds to students who cannot complete their higher education due to financial lack. This program allows students to complete their educational goals and its purpose is to boost students to perform positively in society by exploring their knowledge.

NSFAS 2024 Applications:

The South African government set up the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) to help students pursue higher education. Starting from November 21, 2023, students can find the application form for the 2024–2025 school year on

The online application form is open now and should be filled out by anyone aiming to join a South African university or TVET college. To finish the online application, applicants need to get all the necessary documents ready and upload them through the myNSFAS Students Portal once the application period begins.

Also Reas: NSFAS Student Portal Login

It’s really important to know when the NSFAS application starts and ends online. This article will give you all the details you need about the NSFAS 2024 applications that are now open.

NSFAS 2024 Applications Requirements:

  • Here’s a simplified list of the documents needed for the NSFAS grant application for the 2024–2025 year:
  • When you fill out the NSFAS application form, you’ll need to submit these important papers.
  • Provide a copy of your ID or birth certificate when applying.
  • Have copies of IDs from your parents, guardians, or spouse.
  • Fill out the form and provide proof of your income, like a year’s worth of IRP5.
  • Submit proof of income from your parents, guardians, or spouse.
  • If you have a disability, submit a filled and signed Disability Annexure A Form.
  • If the Department of Social Development identifies you as a vulnerable child, submit a filled and signed Vulnerable Child Declaration Form.

How to Apply for NFSAS 2024:

  • Applying for NSFAS online for 2024 is simple and fast. Follow these steps:
  • Go to to apply by 2024.
  • Click on the “myNSFAS” tab at the top right corner.
  • Log in using your ID number and password to start your application.
  • If you don’t have an account, create a “myNSFAS account.”
  • Use your Student ID number to make the application process easier.
  • Fill in the required details after clicking the “APPLY” tab.
  • Upload the needed files.
  • Submit your application by clicking “Submit.”

If your NSFAS application is rejected, you can appeal. They’ll explain why it was rejected.

Last Dates of NSFAS Applications 2024:

The NSFAS online application for the 2024–2025 academic year starts on November 21, 2023, and ends on January 31, 2024. To apply online, go to You can also download a PDF version of the form.

It’s important to remember for the NSFAS Application 2024–2025 Academic year:

Submitting your application soon after the opening is crucial. NSFAS might struggle to review late applications, so it’s best to apply as soon as the window opens.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to download, fill, and submit the NSFAS Form 2024:

Step 1: Access NSFAS Website: Visit Check that it’s the official site to avoid scams.

Step 2: Find the Form:  On the homepage, go to “Applications” or “Forms.” Look for “NSFAS Form 2024 PDF” and click to download.

Step 3: Download the Form: The form will download to your device. Save it where you can easily find it.

Step 4: Fill the Form: Open the PDF, read the instructions, and fill in all details accurately:

  • Write clearly and legibly.
  • Ensure correct personal info like name, ID, and contact details.
  • Provide accurate household income for financial aid.
  • Attach necessary documents like ID copies and academic records.

Step 5: Submit the Form:

  • Online Submission: Log in to your myNSFAS account, go to “Application,” and follow the instructions to upload the filled form and documents before the deadline.
  • Physical Submission: Check the NSFAS website or contact them for info on where and how to submit physically.

Submitting before the deadline is crucial to avoid disqualification.

Top of Form

Eligibility for NSFAS 2024:

  • To qualify for NSFAS, applicants must be South African, enrolled in a recognized course at a public university or TVET college, and their household income shouldn’t exceed a certain limit.
  • For most applicants, the household income limit is R350 000 (350 000 Rand), and for disabled students, it’s R600 000 (600 000 Rand). SARS data helps determine if applicants meet these income limits.
  • It’s smart to check directly with NSFAS for the latest eligibility criteria as it might change. You can get the 2024 application form in PDF at Before applying online through the myNSFAS Student Portal, ensure you meet NSFAS support criteria for 2024.
  • Students who previously applied, got accepted, and received funding will continue to be sponsored if they pass their modules and meet academic standards for the duration of their study.


How can we check our Application Status?

In NAFAS Dashboard we can check our financial aid information and application status.

How to apply for Financial Aid?

Log in to your account, click on “Apply for Financial Aid”, enter the necessary required information, and submit your application. On your verified email address you will receive an email regarding this.

How do we know about our accepting funds?

You will receive an email notification about either your application being rejected or approved, if approved then you will follow the next instructions to accept the funds.

Is it possible to receive NSFAS provisional funding for postgraduate studies?

A student’s undergraduate and postgraduate studies can both be funded by NSFAS if they meet eligibility requirements.

Is it possible to study at a private institution using NSFAS provisional funding?

NSFAS provisional funding is only available to public universities and TVET colleges.


Completing and sending the NSFAS Form 2024 PDF is super important for getting financial help in South Africa’s higher education. Following these steps helps you fill and send the form correctly, improving your chances of getting the funding you need for your academic goals. Keep an eye on deadlines and feel free to ask NSFAS if you have any questions.

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My NSFAS Student Portal Login 2024





The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) program in South Africa offers financial assistance to undergraduate students for their college or university education after completing high school. It’s supported by the Department of Higher Education and Training to help students cover the expenses associated with their tertiary education.

Here are the steps to create a MyNSFAS account:

  • Find and click on the tab labeled “MyNSFAS.”
  • Select the “Register” option.
  • Check the box that permits NSFAS to verify the information you provide.
  • Enter your ID number exactly as it appears on your ID document.
  • Input your full names, including your surname, exactly as they are written on the provided ID document. Top of Form

Student portal login:

This article aims to help with (NSFAS) National Student Financial Aid Scheme Login and using the myNSFAS portal. Many students who lack financial resources seek scholarships to continue their education and achieve their academic ambitions. If you’re in a similar situation, you can explore bursaries, grants, or scholarships.

One option is the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). It was established by the NSFAS Act of 1999, incorporating the Tertiary Education Fund of South Africa (TEFSA), which ceased operations in 2000.

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act enables students to seek financial support for public universities or TVET colleges, either as a loan or a bursary. To apply for these grants, you must meet specific requirements.

All applicants must undergo a “needs test” that examines their current financial situation to determine the necessary aid and National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) eligibility. The system is being updated to make financial assistance more accessible to deserving students, especially those pursuing studies at (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) TVET colleges.

Recent NSFAS applicants have reported that the application process is slow and complex. As a result, improvements are being made to allow easier tracking of application status and quicker funding decisions.

Where to access my login portal:

  • If you’re an NSFAS applicant or a current student, it’s highly recommended to create your own MyNSFAS account. It’s a straightforward online process:
  • Visit and click on the MyNSFAS account section.
  • Enter your username and password in the provided fields.
  • Click on “My Details.”
  • Add your most recent email address and cellphone number.
  • Tap “Update Your Details” to proceed.
  • You’ll receive a One-Time-Pin (OTP) on the provided email and cellphone number. Wait for it.
  • Once you get the OTP, enter it in the appropriate field and click “Submit.”
  • Your entered details will show up in your account.
  • Already have an account? You can log in using your surname and password through Google and Facebook Accounts.

Can we Change NSFAS Login Details?

If you need to update your account details or NSFAS applications, follow these steps:

  • Visit the MyNSFAS student portal.
  • Log in by entering your username, and password, then click “SIGN IN.”
  • Once logged in, select “My Details.”
  • Remove any incorrect or outdated information and replace it with accurate and updated details.
  • Click on “Update Your Details” to save all the changes you’ve made to your login information.

 How can I Create a MyNSFAS Account?


To access NSFAS online applications via MyNSFAS, start by creating your account on the official NSFAS website, Follow these steps:


·       Find and click on the tab labeled “MyNSFAS.” Click “Register.”

·       Tick the box allowing NSFAS to verify your provided details.

·       Input your ID number exactly as on your ID document.

·       Enter your complete name, including your surname, matching your ID document.

·       Input your email address and confirm it.

·       Add your cellphone number.

·       Choose and confirm a preferred password.

·       Upload a copy of your ID document.

·       Click “Register.”

·       Wait for the OTP on your cellphone and email (valid for 24 hours).

·       Enter the OTP and click “Submit.”

Once done, your account is set up. For future logins, use your correct username and password in the respective fields.


Activate My NSFAS Account:

To get your account up and running, you’ll need the OTP. Once it arrives, just enter it in the designated space. This OTP is like a special code sent to your phone or email. Once you have it, type it in where they ask for it. That’s what gets your account all set and ready to go

Access MyNSFAS Portal:

Here’s how you can reach your myNSFAS portal:

  • Visit
  • Click on MyNSFAS Account.
  • Enter your myNSFAS login details (your username and password).
  • Access your account.

Once logged in, you’ll find your NSFAS status, whether a funding decision has been made for the bursary scheme, and later, details about your payments. Payments are made either through a mobile wallet or via your institution.

Unlock MyNSFAS Account:


In your NSFAS account, you can use the NSFAS Wallet to withdraw cash or buy from registered merchants. The amount you get depends on discussions with your institution during registration. But sometimes, your account might get locked if you type the wrong Wallet password three times. It’s for safety, so remember your password.

For first-timers, here’s how to access the wallet:

·       Activate your NSFAS wallet and wait for a welcome SMS.

·       Open it and confirm your account by dialing 134176#.

·       Reply to the SMS with your ID number.

·       Soon, you’ll get a password for transactions. Please keep it safe and in your memory, not on your phone.

If your account locks, here’s what to do:

·       Log in using your username and password.

·       Go to NSFAS Connect and create a case.

·       Use your phone to snap a pic of your ID and submit it.

·       Enter your phone number and explain the issue.

Re-Register MyNSFAS Portal:

If your account isn’t there, you can sign up again for the MyNSFAS portal. Here’s how:

·       Go to

·       Click on the MyNSFAS tab

·       Hit “Register”

·       Check the box to let NSFAS verify your details.

·       Enter your ID number

·       Put in your full name.

·       Type your current email.

·       Confirm your email.

·       Add your phone number.

·       Create a password.

·       Confirm your password.

·       Upload your ID copy.

·       Click “Register.”

·       Wait for the OTP on your phone and email.

·       Enter the OTP and click “Submit.”

That’s it! You’ve finished signing up again.


What is the advantage of NSFAS?

NSFAS helps needy students pay their registration fees, tuition fees, and accommodation, grants them meal allowances and book allowances.

How many times can you use NSFAS?

A student can only be funded for one qualification at one institution at once.

Is NSFAS still open?

 National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) said the applications for 2024 funding will open on 21 November 2023 and close on 31 January 2024.

Why is NSFAS declined?

If income is greater than R350k, then NSFAS application can be declined.


To solve financial issues, the government should make all universities teach entrepreneurship skills across all subjects through NSFAS. Our current education only teaches us to follow, not to create. Offering free education is another solution. Countries like Dubai and Cuba show that it works, and we believe South Africa can do it too. I urge all students and workers to support the fight for free, good-quality education for everyone.

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